smiling young lady using bambaswap app
  • What are the airtime to cash conversion fees?

    At the moment our conversion fee is 30% of the airtime value. You get 70% of the airtime value in cash as MPESA.

  • Are there any transaction fees?

    No, accesing and using our BambaSwap is absolutely free. Visit Convert Now for Airtime to Cash conversion or visit to Buy Cheap Airtime Now

  • What airtime can be used?

    Currently we only accept Safaricom airtime. Plans are underway to accept Airtel & Telkom airtime networks soon

  • How long does airtime to cash conversion take?

    It’s instant. It takes less than one minute.

  • How much discount do you get from buying Bambaswap airtime?

    You get 10-15% discount on airtime bought using Bambaswap

  • What is the min. And max. Airtime amount acceptable for conversion?

    The minimum airtime amount you can convert is Ksh. 150 and max of Ksh. 5,000

  • Can you buy BambaSwap Airtime when having Okoa Jahazi?

    Yes, you can. Safaricom will deduct what you owe them.

  • Can you buy BambaSwap Airtime using Fuliza?

    Yes, you can.

  • What is Bambaswap’s mission?

    To provide emergency cash to ordinary Kenyans and cheap discounted airtime  to our customers. We endeavor to be there for you during those stressful moments when you need emergency cash & cheap airtime